Why Policies Matter at The Cubby

At The Cubby, we have a range of policies in place that guide how we operate. These policies are designed to ensure the safety, protection, and smooth operation of our Centre. Each policy has been thoughtfully constructed to reflect our Centre’s philosophy and goals, ultimately aiming to make us a leader in the provision of quality education and care for young children. Policies are not static; they are dynamic and continually evolving. We encourage and value the input of our parents during policy reviews. Look out for opportunities to contribute during our Parent Support Evenings or by filling out a ‘Policy Review’ form.

You won’t find all our policies in your enrolment package due to their volume. However, we’ve included the basics here and you can access the full list anytime at the Kidz Cubby and The Kidz Rock foyers, available on USB.

Spotlight on Key Policies

While all our policies are important, there are a few we’d like to highlight for your attention.

Infectious and Non-Infectious Diseases Policy

We take health seriously at our Centre. If your child has experienced any of the listed symptoms or conditions within the last 24-48 hours, they must stay home from the Centre. If any symptoms are noticed while at the Centre, we will contact you to pick up your child. A 24-hour exclusion applies after any illness and children must return symptom-free.

Environmental Sustainability Policy

At Kidz Cubby/Rock, we strive to provide experiences and tools to educate our children, families, and educators about environmental sustainability. We aim to foster values and beliefs about sustainability from an early age to nurture environmentally responsible adults.

Head Lice Policy

To maintain a healthy environment for all, children with head lice will only be readmitted to the Centre after they have been treated and there are no live eggs remaining in their hair.

Nutrition Policy

We maintain a ‘NO NUT’ environment due to the risk of severe allergies. We also ask parents to be aware of potential egg allergies among the children. We promote healthy eating and discourage the inclusion of unhealthy foods in your child’s meals. Please note, only water should be provided in your child’s water bottle.

Sun Protection Policy

We enforce a ‘No Hat-No Play’ policy. We provide sunscreen but also encourage parents to apply sunscreen to their child before outdoor play. For children with sensitive skin, we ask parents to provide a specific brand of sunscreen.

Relationships with Children and Behaviour Guidance Policy

We encourage the formation of positive relationships between educators and children, making them feel safe and supported. We also promote children’s social awareness and responsibility for their own behaviour, implementing strategies to ensure they feel confident and successful.

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